Autocorrect ACL files



Hello i am new here:)

Guys, what i would like to know is there away to move Word 2000 *.AC
file from its default location to another drive.

Let me explain somemore.

We use a Windows NT network and with that we use roaming profiles.
would like to set word up so that the auto correct ACl file sits on th
users home drive which H:\

Is this possible?

Has anyone tried this?

Many thanks



Well my understanding that in Word 2000 and above (and Windows 2000 and
above), the .acl file is stored in the Users Profile, so if you are using
roaming profiles, the ACL file should go with the user.

Typically, they are stored in Documents and Settings>Username>Applications

and there should be an entry in the registry pointing to this location.

: Hello i am new here:)
: Guys, what i would like to know is there away to move Word 2000 *.ACL
: file from its default location to another drive.
: Let me explain somemore.
: We use a Windows NT network and with that we use roaming profiles. I
: would like to set word up so that the auto correct ACl file sits on the
: users home drive which H:\
: Is this possible?
: Has anyone tried this?
: Many thanks
: Craig
: ------------------------------------------------
: [/url]

Charles Kenyon

There is a utility on the MVP FAQ that lets you copy AC entries to a file
which can be edited / moved. The same utility will load them into the new

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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