AutoCorrect and linked styles



A colleague has created a document in Word 2007 (which I also use). In it,
the Heading 1 style (and other heading styles) are "linked" (paragraph and

When I use those styles and type an abbreviation that I've programmed into
AutoCorrect, Word fills in the AutoCorrect entry before I press space. That
means I don't get "few", I get "for examplew".

In other documents, where Heading 1 is a paragraph style only, this behavior
does not happen. However, I haven't been able to find any way to make Heading
1 only a paragraph style. I don't know of any other fixes, although obviously
there are workarounds (turn off AutoCorrect, fix its mistakes, etc.).

Any ideas?

Thank you!

Pamelia Caswell via

I don't use autocorrect, so I can't test this theory, but ... Word's pasting
behavior changes depending on whether linked styles are enabled or disabled.
The check box to do this is at the bottom of the styles pane. Change its
status and then try your autocorrect again. Let us know.


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