I have hundreds of autocorrect entries, many of them being addresses
which autocomplete after the first few letters. This speeds my work
enormously as it saves me looking up the spellings of roads and towns.
However, I have lately been adding new ones (for example if the auto
entry does not come up and complete then I add it as a new one) but it
keeps asking me if I want to define an autotext entry. When I look in
the drop down box, I see that it is indeed there already, so why
doesnt it come up as Im typing?
I seem to be duplicating everything and getting bogged down 're
defining' entries.
which autocomplete after the first few letters. This speeds my work
enormously as it saves me looking up the spellings of roads and towns.
However, I have lately been adding new ones (for example if the auto
entry does not come up and complete then I add it as a new one) but it
keeps asking me if I want to define an autotext entry. When I look in
the drop down box, I see that it is indeed there already, so why
doesnt it come up as Im typing?
I seem to be duplicating everything and getting bogged down 're
defining' entries.