Autocorrect functionality between Word & Outlook 2007 missing



Patrick Schmidt from the Outlook group suggested that I forward my questions
to this group instead -- see below:

I've read previous posts regarding "missing" Autotext functionality in
Outlook & Word 2007.

I use Autocorrect (not Autotext) because my list of entries is long, in
addition to each entry being many paragraphs. It's just a lot easier than
Autotext for what I do, but I absolutely need the SAME Autocorrect
functionality in both Word and Outlook.

In Word 2007, I tried loading my old template, and although it
did "load" my autocorrect entries did not resurrect. (This process
supposedly reloads your Autotext entries into building blocks under Quick
Parts, but since I don't use Autotext entries, I can't say...)

This is a BIG problem for me. If I have to recreate the Autocorrect entries
in Word 2007, I guess I can live with that.

But, in Outlook 2007, having to select from a huge drop-down list with Quick
Parts in Outlook will be extremely cumbersome for me. Cumbersome enough that
I will not upgrade to Office 2007 at all.

I don't want to have to maintain 2 complete sets of autocorrect entries --
one that would be for Word 2007 under normal.dotm and my original
for my older version of Outlook. Then again, if I used Word as my default
editor in my older version of Outlook, which version of Word would get
loaded? I don't even know if that's feasible...)

I guess this difference has something to do with the fact that you can no
longer select Word as your default email editor in Outlook? Hey, Developer
guys, did we forget to "hook up" Word and Outlook??? 2007 is supposed to be
the epitome of integration, after all. :)

The last posts I could find on this subject were several months old.
Someone PLEASE tell me that Microsoft is going to re-integrate Word and
Outlook in this very basic (and for me VERY necessary) way!

Additionally, how can I import my Autocorrect entries without having to
re-enter them? (BTW, I am aware of the old "" that allows you to
export your existing autocorrect entries. However, it is a known bug that
each time you have a paragraph break in any single autocorrect entry, the app
creates a new record for each paragraph, and the whole file gets messed up.
It's easier for me to re-create them than to try and clean up the entire file
and attempt to re-import...)

Other than that, I love everything else about Office 2007!

Patrick Schmid [MVP]

Let me add that I answered his question about Word & Outlook
integration, and pointed out and NormalEmail.dotm.
I referred him to here for the actual AutoCorrect/AutoText questions.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
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That's great, Suzanne!

When I did the upgrade to 2007, I deleted previous versions of Office. (in
my case, it was Office XP/2002.)

Will I need to reinstall my old Word to use this macro, or can I use this
with Word 2007 and just import from my old somehow? Will
reinstalling my old Word create problems with my new installation of 2007?

Thanks for your help! Either way, this will save me some work...

Julie Raines

Suzanne S. Barnhill

AutoCorrect entries (except formatted ones) are not stored in but
in .acl files; you would have to have those still on the HD.


ALL my autocorrect entries are formatted... I manually made a copy of and my .acl file before the conversion. I have them both.

So, knowing that:
I have a copy of my old
I have removed my previous version of Word

Can I still import my autocorrect entries into 2007 without reinstalling the
old version to export them in the first place?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

I'm not sure. Perhaps someone else knows what the procedure would be.

hisplaceresort said:
ALL my autocorrect entries are formatted... I manually made a copy of and my .acl file before the conversion. I have them both.

So, knowing that:
I have a copy of my old
I have removed my previous version of Word

Can I still import my autocorrect entries into 2007 without reinstalling the
old version to export them in the first place?


Tony Jollans

AutoCorrect in Outlook 2007 is fully functional; that's the good news!

The bad news is that adding formatted entries is rather cumbersome although
a bit more accessible if you add it to the QAT. There doesn't seem to be any
programmatic access to it at all (but I'm still looking!) and it seems you
must use the UI.

Keeping it in step with Word appears all but impossible. The best I can
think of, and I haven't tried this and have no idea of the consequences, is
that it *may* be possible to dump what you have in Word (using the tool off
the word.mvps site), close Word, rename Normal.dotm to something, rename
NormalEmail.dotm to Normal, open Word, 'restore' the Autocorrects you dumped
from Normal, close Word, and rename the templates back as they were. If it
works, it could probably be automated but it is hardly ideal!

Tony Jollans

Should you be interested, I have now found out how to gain programmatic
access to the AutoCorrects which opens the door to a macro-based mechanism
to keep AutoCorrects in sync. I'm not very knowledgeable about Outlook but
it looks like there may be application events which could allow for a fully
automated process.


Yes, Tony, that would be great!

J. Raines

Tony Jollans said:
Should you be interested, I have now found out how to gain programmatic
access to the AutoCorrects which opens the door to a macro-based mechanism
to keep AutoCorrects in sync. I'm not very knowledgeable about Outlook but
it looks like there may be application events which could allow for a fully
automated process.

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