Autocorrect has changed
The Autocorrect content in my Word 2000 has changed, apparently
spontaneously. It's been running on this XP machine for six months or more,
having been successfully migrated from an ME machine where it had been for
several years. Instead of the collection of terms that I have gradually
built up, it has now reverted to what seems to be the default collection,
practically all of which I deleted (or at any rate had apparently deleted) a
long time ago. I use it primarily to speed up typing, rather than to correct
spelling. Purely as a couple of examples, I have 'info' for 'information'
and 'manu' for 'manufacturer'. They've disappeared, and there are now words
that I would never mis-spell (says he, modestly), such as abbout or abotu.
So, can anyone tell me where my custom list of words has gone, and how I can
restore it? Alternatively, if I've got to rebuild the list the hard way:
1. Does anyone know how to select and delete the ENTIRE contents of the
default list, other than by the present one-entry-at-a-time procedure, and
2. Does anyone know how to produce a paper printout of the completed and
revised list as an ultimate security backup?
Neil Translator
The Autocorrect content in my Word 2000 has changed, apparently
spontaneously. It's been running on this XP machine for six months or more,
having been successfully migrated from an ME machine where it had been for
several years. Instead of the collection of terms that I have gradually
built up, it has now reverted to what seems to be the default collection,
practically all of which I deleted (or at any rate had apparently deleted) a
long time ago. I use it primarily to speed up typing, rather than to correct
spelling. Purely as a couple of examples, I have 'info' for 'information'
and 'manu' for 'manufacturer'. They've disappeared, and there are now words
that I would never mis-spell (says he, modestly), such as abbout or abotu.
So, can anyone tell me where my custom list of words has gone, and how I can
restore it? Alternatively, if I've got to rebuild the list the hard way:
1. Does anyone know how to select and delete the ENTIRE contents of the
default list, other than by the present one-entry-at-a-time procedure, and
2. Does anyone know how to produce a paper printout of the completed and
revised list as an ultimate security backup?
Neil Translator