Since I re-installed Office 2003 (which I did because Windows Installer was
damaged), AutoCorrect still corrects the spelling errors in its database,
turms (C) into a copyright symbol, and does most of what it should; but it no
longer turms text arrows suck as ==> and --> into heavy arrows or things like
into smileys. In fact, those arrows and smileys were no longer in the
AutoCorrect list, and pasting them into a document and adding the
corresponding AC entry doesn't get it working. Is there a way to get these
things back into AC? (Help didn't help, and a query on Office Online also
turned up nothing.)
damaged), AutoCorrect still corrects the spelling errors in its database,
turms (C) into a copyright symbol, and does most of what it should; but it no
longer turms text arrows suck as ==> and --> into heavy arrows or things like
AutoCorrect list, and pasting them into a document and adding the
corresponding AC entry doesn't get it working. Is there a way to get these
things back into AC? (Help didn't help, and a query on Office Online also
turned up nothing.)