Autocorrect Undo feature in Word 2003



Word 2003 has a new feature that shows little icons below words that were
generated by AutoCorrect and that allows you to undo the effects of AutoCorrect
on those words (such as, conveniently, allowing you to change "the" back to

Is there a VBA method (something along the lines of UndoClear) that will Save a
document such that these little icons and their functionality are cleared away,
leaving you with a non-undoable document? (Of course, this happens when you
close the document, but I mean, while you're working in the document.)

While I'm on the subject, is there a checkbox somewhere in Word itself that
turns this feature off (while leaving AutoCorrect itself on)? I didn't see
anything about this on the What's New page in Help.



Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Honyakuka,
Is there a VBA method (something along the lines of UndoClear) that will Save a
document such that these little icons and their functionality are cleared away,
leaving you with a non-undoable document? (Of course, this happens when you
close the document, but I mean, while you're working in the document.)

While I'm on the subject, is there a checkbox somewhere in Word itself that
turns this feature off (while leaving AutoCorrect itself on)? I didn't see
anything about this on the What's New page in Help.
Tools/AutoCorrect Options/AutoCorrect, the checkbox at the very top: Show
AutoCorrect Options buttons.


Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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