Autocorrection in OneNote



I notice another post on autocorrection of symbols but my question is

I'm a law student, which means I take a lot of notes, and mostly very
quickly. I make several mistakes as I go, the most common of which I
have added manually through the Tools --> autocorrect system.

I would like to know if there's any way to add them as I type, as is
possible in Word. In Word you right-click and get the option to change
the spelling or add an autocorrect entry. That function is a godsend,
and without it editing my OneNote notes takes much longer.

I would imagine this irks many people, particularly students who have
to type quickly and in large volumes! I don't know much about software
but was hoping there was some way to add this function, or at least
something like it.

Many thanks for any help,



You can post this as a suggestion in the MS connect site, I think it is
worthwhile that the office products have similar funtionality this way.

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