Autocorrection of Coding



I have imported data and fields into my database from a filemaker pro
database. Unfortunately one of the filemaker fields was entitled DATE.
Now whenever I try to do a Date() function, Access autocorrects this
Date() function to DATE. I have renamed the field, compacted,
repaired, etc... but that has not solved the problem. Any suggestions
on how to solve this problem?

Allen Browne

HI Scott.

Access does do this, and it probably won't cause you a problem. Just make
sure that you have unchecked the Name AutoCorrect boxes under:
Tools | Options | General | Name AutoCorrect
Then compact again. Explanation of why:

That won't prevent it using the upper case, but it will help ensure that it
does not retain any ambiguity.

If you really want to stop the DATE:
1. Double-check that there are no forms or reports using DATE as a control

2. Make a back up copy of the database.

3. Use the undocumented SaveAsText to save the affected forms and reports
(just the ones that have modules) and also any stand-alone modules that
exhibit this problem. Like this:
SaveAsText acForm, "Form1", "C:\MyFolder\Form1.txt"

4. Delete the forms and reports, and compact the database.

5. Use a text editor to replace DATE with Date (whole word only) in the text

6. Import the deleted forms and reports with LoadFromText.

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