Roberto Perez
Hello all and thank you in advance.
I'm not an expert using macros on DOT files so my question
is regarding how different is WordBasic inside Word 2000.
Please, send your answer directly to my email.
Our AutoExit( ) macrofunction is not working any more with
Windows 2000. Somebody can help me?
Here is our old AutoExit( ) macrofunction:
Public Sub MAIN()
If WordBasic.CountWindows() > 0 Then
Static Button%
Static nLParam%
Button% = WordBasic.MsgBox("Do you want to Save the
Document?", "SYSTEM", 36)
If Button% = -1 Then
nLParam% = 0
nLParam% = 1
End If
If WordBasic.AppIsRunning("System - " + "[Reports]") Then
WordBasic.AppSendMessage "SysTem - " + "[Reports]",
1033, 0, nLParam
End If
End If
End Sub
I'm not an expert using macros on DOT files so my question
is regarding how different is WordBasic inside Word 2000.
Please, send your answer directly to my email.
Our AutoExit( ) macrofunction is not working any more with
Windows 2000. Somebody can help me?
Here is our old AutoExit( ) macrofunction:
Public Sub MAIN()
If WordBasic.CountWindows() > 0 Then
Static Button%
Static nLParam%
Button% = WordBasic.MsgBox("Do you want to Save the
Document?", "SYSTEM", 36)
If Button% = -1 Then
nLParam% = 0
nLParam% = 1
End If
If WordBasic.AppIsRunning("System - " + "[Reports]") Then
WordBasic.AppSendMessage "SysTem - " + "[Reports]",
1033, 0, nLParam
End If
End If
End Sub