Autofill Charting Help

  • Thread starter Donald Franklin
  • Start date

Donald Franklin

I have 581 points of data that were tested over 30 hours. I only know the
first test result (0 hours) and the last test result (28.9 hours). Is there
a way to auto-fill the 498 fields in between? Also, I would like the X axis
to display in 2 hour increments. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Donald said:
I have 581 points of data that were tested over 30 hours. I only know
the first test result (0 hours) and the last test result (28.9
hours). Is there a way to auto-fill the 498 fields in between? Also,
I would like the X axis to display in 2 hour increments. Any help
would be greatly appreciated.

I'm confused. You have 581 data points, and you know the values of data
points 1 and 581. Then you say there are 498 fields in between. That
doesn't add up.

I also don't understand how to fill in test results for all of the missing
test results. Do you want a linear interpolation between the endpoints? Or
is it possible that you have a set of 500 or so test results and you want
Excel to figure out the time at which each data point was taken? Was the
time for each data point evenly spaced, i.e. every 3 minutes?

dvt at psu dot edu

Jon Peltier

Don -

I have a simple macro that fills in a row or column with values between
the first and last cell of the selection. I can fill by linear or
logarithmic interpolation depending on a variable passed to the macro.

Sub LinFill()
FillUp False
End Sub
Sub LogFill()
FillUp True
End Sub
Sub FillUp(blFillType As Boolean)
''' given a selected range, horizontal or vertical, this routine
''' fills in interpolated values between the first and last cells
''' blFillType = False: on a LINEAR basis
''' blFillType = True: on a LOGARITHMIC basis
Dim ActvSht As Worksheet, Slecshun As Range
Dim TopRow As Integer, BottomRow As Integer, RowCt As Integer
Dim LeftCol As Integer, RiteCol As Integer, ColCt As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim first As Double, Last As Double

Set ActvSht = ActiveSheet
Set Slecshun = Selection
TopRow = Slecshun.Row
RowCt = Slecshun.Rows.count
BottomRow = RowCt + TopRow - 1
LeftCol = Slecshun.Column
ColCt = Slecshun.Columns.count
RiteCol = ColCt + LeftCol - 1

If Selection.Areas.count > 1 Then
MsgBox "Does not work on multiple selected areas."
GoTo ExitRoutine
End If

If ColCt > 1 And RowCt > 1 Then
MsgBox "Select a one-dimensional array of cells."
GoTo ExitRoutine
End If

Select Case VarType(ActvSht.Cells(TopRow, LeftCol).Value)
Case vbDouble
first = ActvSht.Cells(TopRow, LeftCol)
Case vbEmpty, vbString
MsgBox "Invalid starting cell."
GoTo ExitRoutine
End Select

Select Case VarType(ActvSht.Cells(BottomRow, RiteCol).Value)
Case vbDouble
Last = ActvSht.Cells(BottomRow, RiteCol)
Case vbEmpty, vbString
MsgBox "Invalid ending cell."
GoTo ExitRoutine
End Select

If blFillType Then
If first <= 0 Or Last <= 0 Then
MsgBox "Logarithmic fill requires positive arguments."
GoTo ExitRoutine
End If
End If

If TopRow = BottomRow Then ''' horizontal
If ColCt <= 2 Then
MsgBox "There are no cells to fill in."
GoTo ExitRoutine
For Counter = LeftCol + 1 To RiteCol - 1 Step 1
If blFillType Then
ActvSht.Cells(TopRow, Counter) = _
Exp(Log(first) + (Log(Last) - Log(first)) * _
(Counter - LeftCol) / (RiteCol - LeftCol))
ActvSht.Cells(TopRow, Counter) = _
first + (Last - first) * _
(Counter - LeftCol) / (RiteCol - LeftCol)
End If
Next Counter
End If
ElseIf LeftCol = RiteCol Then ''' vertical
If RowCt <= 2 Then
MsgBox "There are no cells to fill in."
GoTo ExitRoutine
For Counter = TopRow + 1 To BottomRow - 1 Step 1
If blFillType Then
ActvSht.Cells(Counter, LeftCol) = _
Exp(Log(first) + (Log(Last) - Log(first)) * _
(Counter - TopRow) / (BottomRow - TopRow))
ActvSht.Cells(Counter, LeftCol) = _
first + (Last - first) * _
(Counter - TopRow) / (BottomRow - TopRow)
End If
Next Counter
End If
''' Obsolete Else
GoTo ExitRoutine
End If

Set ActvSht = Nothing
Set Slecshun = Nothing
End Sub

- Jon

Jon Peltier

Don -

Re your second question. Make sure you have made an XY chart, not a
line chart. Enter your axis scale parameters as times (e.g., type 2:00
for maximum scale); Excel converts them to decimal equivalents so you
don't have to. Then change the number format of the axis to something
like h:mm.

- Jon

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