autofill suggests obsolete mystery email address



In a new email to a friend of mine, as I am entering her
name in the "To" box, outlook is set to autocomplete as I
type (which I like). It comes up with two suggestions,
the second on the list is the correct one from my address
book, but the first one (which I often accept by accident)
is an old email address which has been deleted from my
address book for a while now. Is there a cache of
addresses used in the past or something? (and if so how
can I purge it?)

I am running Outlook 2002 on Windows XP.

I have my address book options set to show "Personal
Address Book" first for addressing, and to use
ONLY "Personal Address Book" when checking names. The
only other options are "Outlook Address Book" (which
cannot be added to the lookup box because "it does not
contain any names", which is fine) and "Contacts". I do
have this person in my Outlook Contacts but there is no
email address saved for her there (I know there is a drop
down for a total of 3 email addresses; they are all

Where in the world is this old address coming from?

Thank you for your help!


wow... so simple. I thought this would only work for the
current email but it gets rid of the bad address
permanently. Thanks for such a quick reply; you are the

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