Edited to clarify question..
I have to complete an unfiltered table using formulas....The columns g
from 1-16 and the rows g from A-Z. In row A it goes....1A, 2A,3A,4A al
the way to column 16, which is 16A. The same happens for Row B. I hav
to create a formula to fill in the rest of the rows/columns with th
same sequence. What formula do I use? Or does this require a macr
formula? I'm really stumped on this one and have to have this compete b
Monday morning...HELP
I have to complete an unfiltered table using formulas....The columns g
from 1-16 and the rows g from A-Z. In row A it goes....1A, 2A,3A,4A al
the way to column 16, which is 16A. The same happens for Row B. I hav
to create a formula to fill in the rest of the rows/columns with th
same sequence. What formula do I use? Or does this require a macr
formula? I'm really stumped on this one and have to have this compete b
Monday morning...HELP