AutoFilter - get rid of default choice




I have my auto-filter on on many columns. I want to get rid of
default choice for filter (i.e. Top 10, Blanks, NonBlanks)...I simply
want it to list my values (lower, higher, etc.) although I would
obviously like to keep "All" to reset back to non-filter mode. At
the very least, I want to get rid of (Top 10), this totally doesn't
make any sense for my data and confuses users.

Thank you for your help.


Dave Peterson

I don't think you can change this behavior.


I have my auto-filter on on many columns. I want to get rid of
default choice for filter (i.e. Top 10, Blanks, NonBlanks)...I simply
want it to list my values (lower, higher, etc.) although I would
obviously like to keep "All" to reset back to non-filter mode. At
the very least, I want to get rid of (Top 10), this totally doesn't
make any sense for my data and confuses users.

Thank you for your help.


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