Autofilter only sorts the columns inlcluded (version 2007)


David Fredriksson

In Excel 2003, the autofilter sorting function would sort the columns of the
whole sheet, even when the autofilter area only included i.e. the columns A
to F.

When doing the same in version 2007, only the columns included in the actual
autofilter range, is sorted...


1 x1 y3 z1
2 x2 y2 z2
3 x3 y3 z3

When having autofilter on only column A and sorting it descending you get
the following result in 2007:

1 x3 y1 z1
2 x2 y2 z2
3 x1 y3 z3

Whereas 2003 will give this result:

1 x3 y3 z3
2 x2 y2 z2
3 x1 y1 z1

Which is more correct...

Is this a new "feature" or a bug?


Dave Peterson

In xl2003, if there was an empty column between the autofilter and the rest of
the data, then the rest of the data wasn't sorted.

If the filter range and the other data was touching, then the other data sorted
with the filter range.

But xl2007 does behave differently.

To call it a bug or a feature would depend on how you want it to work. (It sure
looks like xl2007's behavior would be what I want in most cases.)

I think the thing to remember is that there is a difference. And not to rely on
the same behavior.

David Fredriksson

Ok. So if I understand you correctly, there is no way to sort all columns in

Or do I misunderstand you...?


Dave Peterson

Select the range you want to sort first, then use sort--not the sort under the
filter arrows.

Or include all the range in the filter???

Gord Dibben

If you have created a "list" under Data>Create list, only that list area will

Have you created a list with just column A?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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