daveroblit said:
Thanks. I've been reading up, and I think what I really want is a list box
that functions like an autofilter pull-down. It just displays 10 lines or so
at a time and has a scroll bar. Anyone know how to assign autofilter behavior
to a list box?
Here's how I've done it in the past. It's easier than it may appear...
First, define a dynamic name for your list so that it adjusts to
additions or deletions (note: this is optional, but the rest of the
discussion assumes you've done it). Assuming your list is in A2:Axxx in
Sheet1, with a list header in A1:
- Choose Insert/Name/Define
- Enter "mydynamiclist" (or something else, without quotes) in
the Names in workbook: box.
- Enter
in the Refers to: box.
Next, create the listbox. Right/CTRL-click the box and choose Format
Control. In the Control pane, enter
(or whatever name you chose) in the Input Range: box. Leave the Cell
link: box blank. Click OK. Right/CTRL-click the box again and choose
Assign Macro. In the Assign Macro dialog, the Macro name: should be
filled in with something like "Listbox1_Change". Click New. The Visual
Basic Editor will open with something like
Sub Listbox1_Change()
End Sub
Between the Sub.. and End Sub lines, paste the following (adjusting your
range and Listbox reference, and your Field offset value if necessary):
Dim vCriterion As Variant
With ActiveSheet
With .ListBoxes("List Box 1")
vCriterion = .List(.ListIndex)
End With
With .Range("mydynamiclist")(1)
.AutoFilter Field:=1, _
Criteria1:=vCriterion, _
Operator:=xlOr, _
Criteria2:="", _
End With
End With
I've put a demo workbook at
Note that there's a bug in listbox/shape handling that expands the
listbox when the Autofilter is removed, even if the listbox properties
are set not to resize with cells. For that reason, I added some extra
code to the demo to position the listbox at cell F1. I collected all the
constant data at the top to make it easier to change:
Public Sub ListBox1_Change()
Const sDynamicRangeName As String = "mydynamiclist"
Const sListBoxName As String = "List Box 1"
Const sListBoxCell As String = "F1"
Const nListBoxHeight As Long = 120
Const nFieldOffset As Long = 1
Dim vCriterion As Variant
Dim rListBoxCell As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveSheet
Set rListBoxCell = .Range(sListBoxCell)
With .ListBoxes(sListBoxName)
vCriterion = .List(.ListIndex)
End With
With .Range(sDynamicRangeName)(1)
.AutoFilter Field:=nFieldOffset, _
Criteria1:=vCriterion, _
Operator:=xlOr, _
Criteria2:="", _
End With
With .ListBoxes(sListBoxName)
.Top = rListBoxCell.Top
.Left = rListBoxCell.Left
.Height = nListBoxHeight
End With
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Unfortunately, this slows things down a bit, but it's better than having
the listbox resizing. It's not necessary if the listbox is not in the
vertical range of the autofilter.