Autofilter toggle problem



Hi All.......

I have a 4 meg Excel program that uses the AutoFilter extensively throughout
it's macros, and has been working fine for several years. Now, all of a
sudden, if I cycle the AutoFilter on and off, two causes some
sort of corruption. Several of the AutoFilter drop down arrows do not
dissappear the second time around, yet are unfunctional. Also, several of my
drawing rectangles that I use to trigger other macros just dissappear! It
does this no matter how I cycle the AutoFilter, by macro or even if I do the
regular Data > Filter > AutoFilter sequence by hand. There are no
ChangeEvent least not any that I put in, nor can see. Could
someone have installed a "hidden" macro that I don't know where it might
be?.....could this be a virus?

Anybody ever heard of this, or have any ideas?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Tom Ogilvy

It sounds like you might be deleting shapes and somehow your method of
determining which ones to delete has gotten out of kilter.

If this sounds likely, then you might want to look at that code.

The dropdown arrows in the Autofilter are part of the shapes collection.

Also, if you are adding controls, perhaps the default names are causing
duplicates, or has gotten too high.


Thanks for the thoughts Tom, but I think it must be something else. I
"fixed" the problem by using a 2 week old file and just copy and pasteing
the new input data over to it and putting it back on line. So, the
"emergency" is over, but I still would like to know what was wrong.

The file has been working fine for several years. I do not do any
deleting of shapes or figures, only the Autofiltering and copying and
pasting of data into special reports. All of a sudden within the last 2
weeks something has happened, or has been done to the program to make it do
this. If I do not enable macros, I still get a error message saying there
is a Excel 4.0 macro that it can't delete. I did not include such a macro
in my design, but one could have been added later. I do not know how to
check for one. But, when I start without enabeling macros and click yes to
that error message, none of my macros work, but I still get the same
problem. I guess the next step is to just start deleteing modules and
worksheets until the problem might can be isolated some more.

Thanks again for your thoughts, and if you know how I might find that XL40
macro, please advise.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck CABGx3

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