Hi Norman,
Thank you very much for reply.
Apologies for late reply to Post but I 've been trying variations of your
suggested formula below.
I do have a SUBTOTAL Formula on the worksheet but the workbook is set to
manual calculation.
In the Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() I've tried Worksheets("Sheet1").
EnableCalculation = True but it does not make any difference.
The relevant formula might be something like:
Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(2, Range("A2:A1000"))
I've also tried the above with my range in the Private Sub
Worksheet_Calculate() but it expects an assignment of some sort. I
declared a
variable as an integer and assigned the above calculation to it and then
unsuccessfully TRIED to pass that to a range on my worksheet.
Any further help is very much appreciated.
Norman said:
I do not think that any events are directly
triggered changes in an Autofilter's criteria.
The conventional aprroach would be to use
Excel's SubTotal formula (see below) in a
suitable location on the worksheet; the
Worksheet_Calculate event would then be
fired by a change in the value returned by the
formula, which wuld result from a change to
the autofilter criteria.
The relevant formula might be something like:
Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(2, Range("A2:A1000"))