autofit text in Word 2007



My boss and I are trying to find out if Word 2007 will autofit text in a text
box like Publisher will. I have found directions in Word help, but can't find
the options Help talks about. It says in the Text Box Pane, choose Shrink
Text on Overflow. I have been all over the ribbon and can't find this option.
Can anyone help?

Jay Freedman

My boss and I are trying to find out if Word 2007 will autofit text in a text
box like Publisher will. I have found directions in Word help, but can't find
the options Help talks about. It says in the Text Box Pane, choose Shrink
Text on Overflow. I have been all over the ribbon and can't find this option.
Can anyone help?

The answer is, no, not in this version. In fact, it seems that among
the Office 2007 programs, only PowerPoint enables that option at all.

The reason is a bit complex. MS created a new graphics engine for
Office 2007. It's used for all graphics in PowerPoint and Excel, but
only for SmartArt in Word -- the public statements about it indicated
that there were problems in getting backward compatibility to work.
Since text boxes in Word are part of the old graphics engine, they
only have the old options.

You can see the options if you insert a SmartArt graphic, right-click
it, choose Format Shape, and choose Text Box on the left side of the
dialog (referring to the text inside the SmartArt, not a text box in
the old sense). But the options are disabled there.

Although Excel uses the new graphics for text boxes, its properties
dialog only has one option, to size the text box to the text and not
the other way around.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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