Omri Kessel
I've created a custom form that enhance the task form functionality with
regards to task ID.
the application suppose to run on our Exchange Server.
What I did is the following:
1. I created MyTask directory under our exchange public directory
2. under this directory I created another directory and named it counter
3. I created a task and post it to the counter directory, with subject
counter and the Mileage set to 1
4. In The MyTask Directory I create new Task and select design this form.
5. I added VBScript Code that do the following:
a. I hooked the Item_Open event
b. I looked for the Counter directory
c. iterate over all the tasks (which there is only 1) look for task with
d. as soon as I found the task I read the Mileage value of this task
increment this value by 1 and keep the result in a variable
e. save the counter task
f. set the Mileage propery of the current open task (item) to the one
that I retained.
6. I publish the form in the MyTask Directory (MessageClass IPM.Task.myfrom)
and set the directory to use this form as default form.
The result of this operation is work fine on my outlook and some other
outlooks , but on other outlook it seems that outlook doesn't run the
I've checked this assumtion by putting MessageBox in the Code and from a
certain code line I can't see the MsgBox appear anymore
this behavior led me to the Idea that I probably dealing with something that
called Off-Form
I tried to understand how to avoid it but I think that since I'm
manipulating Items it cause my form being an off-form form.
I tried download the office resource kit and enabled off-form using the
admin form that provided with it but nothing happend.
can someone explain me what I am dealing with and how can I avoid it, or
even better solve the problem?
I can provide the code if you think it will be helpful.
I've created a custom form that enhance the task form functionality with
regards to task ID.
the application suppose to run on our Exchange Server.
What I did is the following:
1. I created MyTask directory under our exchange public directory
2. under this directory I created another directory and named it counter
3. I created a task and post it to the counter directory, with subject
counter and the Mileage set to 1
4. In The MyTask Directory I create new Task and select design this form.
5. I added VBScript Code that do the following:
a. I hooked the Item_Open event
b. I looked for the Counter directory
c. iterate over all the tasks (which there is only 1) look for task with
d. as soon as I found the task I read the Mileage value of this task
increment this value by 1 and keep the result in a variable
e. save the counter task
f. set the Mileage propery of the current open task (item) to the one
that I retained.
6. I publish the form in the MyTask Directory (MessageClass IPM.Task.myfrom)
and set the directory to use this form as default form.
The result of this operation is work fine on my outlook and some other
outlooks , but on other outlook it seems that outlook doesn't run the
I've checked this assumtion by putting MessageBox in the Code and from a
certain code line I can't see the MsgBox appear anymore
this behavior led me to the Idea that I probably dealing with something that
called Off-Form
I tried to understand how to avoid it but I think that since I'm
manipulating Items it cause my form being an off-form form.
I tried download the office resource kit and enabled off-form using the
admin form that provided with it but nothing happend.
can someone explain me what I am dealing with and how can I avoid it, or
even better solve the problem?
I can provide the code if you think it will be helpful.