AutoLookup Combo Box for fields/northwind


C Tate

Microsoft conveniently provides help with the Northwind database:
However, when it explains how to use an AutoLookup Combo Box for fields it
uses an SQL select statement for the row source. Unfortunately there is no
explanation of how THAT works so I am still abit lost! Can anyone explain
how exactly this SQL statement works (ie, as used in the productsID field in
the Orders Details table).

I am a bit concerned that as I do not know any SQL I will not be able to use
these autolookup combo box thingys! Is it easy to construct these statements
without any SQL knowledge? If not, is there an idiots guide on the web
anywhere? Or, finally, could anyone recommend a very basic book? Many
thanks, in advance.

Jeremy Storm

I think you are trying do to the same thing i was. I
will give you the advise i was given. I hope it helps. I
put my question and the reply... Jeremy
I have a form with the following information: Employee
First Name, Employee Last Name, Employee Extension,
Employee Cell Number. I have over 100 Emplyee's in my
list and do not like using the mouse wheel to scroll
through them. I set up the database, so I am familiar
with it, but I Would like to know if anyone has any ideas
how to set the Employee's First Name cell up so that it
auto fills and pulls the other info in as well. Thank

Put an unbound Combo box on the form to find the record.
The toolbox
combo wizard will offer this as an option - "use this
combo to find a

Do include first and last name - with a hundred employees
you surely
have at least a couple with the same first name; even
first and last
can easily duplicate (I know three Fred Browns).

C Tate

Many thanks. I think I might not have made myself very clear as I was really
trying to get assistance with the SQL statement behind this particular
example. Any ideas?

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