Automagic update during data entry in a select query



I am working on a small database am stumped. I have written a two select
queries that are being used for data entry. My problem relates to three
tables. For simplicity I’ll call them the ItemMaster, ItemExt and Recipe.

The ItemMaster table is exactly that, with an ItemID and lots of other
fields including an ItemName.

The ItemExt is meant to be an extension of the ItemMaster and is a
one-to-one relationship to ItemMaster on the ItemID field.

The Recipe table also joins to the ItemMaster on the ItemID field, but is a
one-to-many relationship.

I created a select query by joining the ItemMaster and Recipe tables and the
results were as I desire. Specifically, when a person enters data into the
query, as soon as they move off of the ItemID field, the ItemName field fills
in automatically.

When I tried to do the same with a query using ItemMaster and ItemExt tables
the ItemName field does not fill in “automaticallyâ€. It just stays blank
until you re-run the query.

The only difference that I can find between the queries is that one is
one-to-many and the other is one-to-one. But I don’t see how that would
change the behavior. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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