Automate document updates process



I have what I believe is a somewhat simple process that I would like to
automate for a group of administrators, and I would like to know if it's
possible in Microsoft Word. I have done heavy VB programming in Microsoft
Excel but have not had an occassion to indulge in VB programming for Word. I
am using Word 2007.

I am trying to automate the file update process for a group of
administrators. I would like to create a menu in word which will link to
various parts of a document (or to different documents) and allow users to
make edits to the document. When the user has completed the edits, the
process will then create a pdf of the document and save it to a specific
directory. The directory name will change based on which menu item was
selected initially.

Is this possible in Word? Does anyone have a sample I can look at or is
there a website where there might be samples? I am new to the Word
Programming forum, so any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

It's not clear to me just what you mean by updates, but the following may
get you started:

See the article "Find & ReplaceAll on a batch of documents in the same
folder" at:

There are many other examples of the use of VBA in Word on that site. You
should be able to do the conversion to .pdf by printing the document to a
..pdf printer. Adobe can of course be used for that and can be configures
so that it automatically creates the .pdf with the name of the document and
does not throw up a dialog to which the user has to respond. PrimoPDF is
free converter that can also be used for the same process.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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