Automate export to text file

  • Thread starter gmazza via
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gmazza via

Hi there,
I need some sort of a script to automate an export to a text file.
I need it automated so there is no user interaction at all, including
pressing a button.
It needs to run every day through a job process.
Can anyone help?

Crystal (strive4peace)

Here is some code that is written generically so you pass
the parameters to define what you want, but you can make it
specific to suit your needs:

Sub ExportDelimitedText( _
pRecordsetName As String, _
pFilename As String, _
Optional pBooIncludeFieldnames As Boolean, _
Optional pBooDelimitFields As Boolean, _
Optional pFieldDeli As String)

'written by Crystal
'strive4peace2008 at yahoo dot com

'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library

'pRecordsetName --> name of query or table;
' or SQL statement
'pFilename -- name of file to create
' -- TRUE if you want fieldnames at top
' default is False
' -- TRUE for delimiter, FALSE for none
'pFieldDeli -- string to use as delimiter
' TAB will be used if nothing specified

' ExportDelimitedText _
"QueryName", "c:\path\filename.csv"

'set up error handler
On Error GoTo Proc_Err

Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim r As dao.Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String

booDelimitFields = Nz(pBooDelimitFields, False)
booIncludeFieldnames = Nz(pBooIncludeFieldnames, False)

'make the delimiter a TAB character unless specified
If Nz(pFieldDeli, "") = "" Then
mFieldDeli = Chr(9)
mFieldDeli = pFieldDeli
End If

'if there is no path specfied,
' put file in current directory
If InStr(pFilename, "\") = 0 Then
mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path
mPathAndFile = ""
End If

mPathAndFile = mPathAndFile & "\" & pFilename

'if there is no extension specified, add TXT
If InStr(pFilename, ".") = 0 Then
mPathAndFile = mPathAndFile & ".txt"
End If

'get a handle
mFileNumber = FreeFile

'close file handle if it is open
'ignore any error from trying to close it if it is not
On Error Resume Next
Close #mFileNumber
On Error GoTo Proc_Err

'delete the output file if already exists
If Dir(mPathAndFile) <> "" Then
Kill mPathAndFile
End If

'open file for output
Open mPathAndFile For Output As #mFileNumber

'open the recordset
Set r = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(pRecordsetName)

'write fieldnames if specified
If booIncludeFieldnames Then
mOutputString = ""
For mFieldNum = 0 To r.Fields.Count - 1
If booDelimitFields Then
mOutputString = mOutputString & """" _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum) & """" _
& mFieldDeli
mOutputString = mOutputString _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum).Name _
& mFieldDeli
End If
Next mFieldNum

'remove last delimiter
if pBooDelimitFields then
mOutputString = Left( _
mOutputString _
, Len(mOutputString) - Len(mFieldDeli) _
end if

'write a line to the file
Print #mFileNumber, mOutputString
End If

'loop through all records
Do While Not r.EOF()

'tell OS (Operating System) to pay attention to things
mOutputString = ""
For mFieldNum = 0 To r.Fields.Count - 1
If booDelimitFields Then
Select Case r.Fields(mFieldNum).Type
Case 10, 12
mOutputString = mOutputString & """" _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum) & """" _
& mFieldDeli
Case 8
mOutputString = mOutputString & "#" _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum) & "#" _
& mFieldDeli
Case Else
mOutputString = mOutputString _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum) _
& mFieldDeli
End Select
mOutputString = mOutputString _
& r.Fields(mFieldNum) _
& mFieldDeli
End If

Next mFieldNum

'remove last TAB
if booDelimitFields then _
mOutputString = Left( _
mOutputString _
, Len(mOutputString) - Len(mFieldDeli)_

'write a line to the file
Print #mFileNumber, mOutputString

'move to next record

MsgBox "Done Creating " & mPathAndFile, , "Done"

on error resume next
'close the file
Close #mFileNumber

'close the recordset

'release object variables
Set r = Nothing

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description _
, , "ERROR " & Err.Number _
& " ExportDelimitedText"

Resume Proc_Exit

'if you want to single-step code to find error,
CTRL-Break at MsgBox
'then set this to be the next statement

End Sub

once you get the code exporting what you want the way you
want it, you can use a scheduler to run it each day

Warm Regards,
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:) have an awesome day :)

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