Automate importing My Timesheet into My Tasks



Is there an easy way to automate the importing of time from the My Timesheet
area into My Tasks? I have found a PSI call of Statusing.ImportTimesheet
Method, but this states that it is for importing from My Tasks into My

We have a need to automate the flow from My Tasks onto My Timesheet. Anyone
ever done this, or have any suggestions on how I might accomplish this?



If you create the timesheet after My Tasks has been updated, then all
hours automatically flow across. Otherwise you are going to have to
explore PSI some more!

This seems to be the ticket. I've written some PSI calls that will delete
and create timesheets on a schedule, and it seems to be working. Users
won't really have to interact with the timesheets, it will all happen behind
the scenes. They will just put their time into My Tasks and be done with
their end.

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