Automate mounting of additional mailbox



Hey all,

I feel stupid asking this, since it seems something searchable, but I
can't find help.

All I want to do is automate the mounting (is that even the correct
term?) of additional mailboxes for a user's Outlook profile. So, I
need to automate the process that currently takes about 8-9 mouse
clicks and typing of a mailbox name (Tools | Account Settings...,
Change, More Settings..., Advanced tab, etc.)

It seems really simple. I have done quite a bit of Outlook automation
involving scanning folders, adding folders, sending messages,
resolving recipients, etc. But I cannot find anything on how to make
additional mailboxes available programmatically.

Some facts:
-- The tool I write will have to work with both Outlook 2003 and 2007.
-- The user who runs the tool will have admin rights on their local
machine, and ActiveDirectory/Exchange rights to the mailbox trying to
be added.
-- The utility will be written in Visual Foxpro (it does fine with
automation of all sorts). We use VFP for all of our other Outlook
automation, and have never run into any problems.

Surely there is a way of doing this? We are about to have a whole
department needing access to 10+ various email boxes as we segment our
business flow. Having to visit each workstation and manually attach
to all the mailboxes will be extremely tedious, hence the need for

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


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