automate row insert to archive



I need some help automating a row insert from one sheet to a second sheet. I
think a macro is needed, but I'm not sure how to set one up as I've never
worked with them, nor do I know how to program it. I'd appreciate a little
help setting up the macro.

Basically, I retrieve my stock quotes into the Quote sheet, and it updates a
total amount. I want to archive the current date and amount to a Database
sheet. But there is an important twist. If there is already a row inserted
in the Database sheet with the same date, then I only want to update the
amount, not insert another row. Once the current date changes, then it is
okay to insert another row.

This is my data. Sheet Quote has the total amount. The amount is dynamic
and will change whenever my stock quotes update the prices of the securities.
Stock Price Amount
IBM $91.45 15000
MSFT $29.48 20000
------ -------- -------
Total 35000

Sheet Database stores the current date and current balance on the last row,
as well as archived dates and balances going back in time. Only the last row
with the current date is to be updated. The data is sorted in ascending date
as you can see.
Date Amount
11/24/06 30000
11/25/06 33000
11/26/06 34000
11/27/06 35000 ** This row can be updated multiple times
or a new row inserted below if date changes

Martin Fishlock

How do you update your stock quotes sheet?

What happens if you miss a day? Ie you run it on a monday and then on a

There are couple of ways to do it but I will give my comments after comment
on the above.


The stock prices are updated via the MSNStockQuote function add-in. One
click of the 'Update Quotes' on the toolbar will update all the stock prices,
and this will update the total.

I haven't ran into missed days, but I guess the answer is I don't care if I
happen to miss a day. Obviously, Saturday's and Sunday's the markets are
closed, so no updates take place. So on Monday's, there would be two missing
dates for the weekend. I guess, I could manually calculate the stock prices
using historical data, and then add them up and insert a manual entry to the
Database, but this isn't of prime importance. The only important thing to me
is that the balance is current on the Database as I want to use these numbers
to later track my portfolio performance over different time periods.

Hope that makes it clear, and thanks for your help.


Can someone please give me a hand. It looks like Martin got busy on
something else. Thanks.

Martin Fishlock

I think the best way to try and do it is as follows

write a marco as follows:

Sub updatestockvalues()

Const sheetNameQ As String = "Quotes"
Const sheetNameDB As String = "Database"

Const QcolumnName As String = "A"
Const QcolumnValue As String = "C"
Const QrowStart As Long = 2
Const QtextTotal As String = "Total"

Const DBcolumnDate As String = "A"
Const DBcolumnValue As String = "B"
Const DBrowStart As Long = 2 ' not the titles

Dim Amt As Currency

Dim r As Long ' row pointer
Dim c As Long ' column number

Dim wsQ As Worksheet, wsDB As Worksheet
Set wsQ = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sheetNameQ)

' insert the macro to run the quotes here.

' find total row in Quotes
r = QrowStart
Do While wsQ.Range(QcolumnName & r) <> QtextTotal
r = r + 1
If r = 65537 Then
MsgBox "Error finding total, halting.", vbOKCancel, "Error"
Set wsQ = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If

Amt = wsQ.Range(QcolumnValue & r).Value
Set wsQ = Nothing

Set wsDB = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sheetNameDB)

' find last day in Database assume that there is at least one date
r = DBrowStart
Do While wsDB.Range(DBcolumnDate & r) <> ""
r = r + 1
If r = 65537 Then
MsgBox "Error in database sheet, halting.", vbOKCancel, "Error"
Set wsDB = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
If (wsDB.Range(DBcolumnDate & r - 1) = Date) Then
r = r - 1 ' date already there
wsDB.Range(DBcolumnDate & r) = Date
End If
With wsDB.Range(DBcolumnValue & r)
.Value = Amt
.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
End With
Set wsDB = Nothing

End Sub

This will update the sheet with the new day or current value.
You may have to play around with the dates if they are not dates in the
database but text.

You now need to get the name of the macro that is called when you click the
update quotes button and insert it into the macro above at the place where
indicated to insert the macro and then instead of clicking the current button
you click a new button that you need to asign to the above code.

I don't have the msquotes program so I can't advise.

I may be able to look at it if you give me a link to it.

This should set you on your way.



If there is anybody out there who knows anything about referencing a button
from an add-in in a macro, please let me know. I think I lost Martin.



bump....anyone have any answers for this?

tfrentz said:

I'm still working on this, and haven't found a solution. I'd really
appreciate some help from you macro experts. Is there a way to reference a
button from an excel add-in - specifically I'm trying to reference the
MSNStockQuote 'update quotes' button.


Don Guillett

Yes, Don't bother with MSNstockquote. Use Yahoo instead. There are some good
free files, including mine at the Yahoo xttraders group.


I've put alot of work into this so far, so I would be interested in what
Yahoo can provide. However, I can't seem to locate your group Don. Can you
provide a website? Thanks

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