I'm using the code below found in another thread but having trouble with the
KeyPress code. When I'm in the text box typing the first bullet and hit
Enter to add a second bullet, the text box displays two bullets and deletes
my text. Can you see what I'm doing wrong??
Private Sub Readout_Enter()
If Len(Trim([Readout])) > 0 Then
Me![Readout] = [Readout] + Chr$(13) & Chr(10) & "• "
Me![Readout] = "• "
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Readout_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
Me![Readout] = [Readout] + Chr$(13) & Chr(10) & "• "
End If
End Sub
KeyPress code. When I'm in the text box typing the first bullet and hit
Enter to add a second bullet, the text box displays two bullets and deletes
my text. Can you see what I'm doing wrong??
Private Sub Readout_Enter()
If Len(Trim([Readout])) > 0 Then
Me![Readout] = [Readout] + Chr$(13) & Chr(10) & "• "
Me![Readout] = "• "
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Readout_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
Me![Readout] = [Readout] + Chr$(13) & Chr(10) & "• "
End If
End Sub