I am an administrator of a small network (approx. 22
stations all of which have Office XP Pro) on which I have
just deployed the SUS (Software Update Server) for the
Windows XP updates (this greatly reduces required
bandwidth when updates are necessary....and with virii
running rampant as they are now manually doing this on
every station on a 128K ISDN is a NiGhTmArE!). My
question is : "Is there a program similar to SUS for the
deployment of service packs for the office xp suite?".
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
stations all of which have Office XP Pro) on which I have
just deployed the SUS (Software Update Server) for the
Windows XP updates (this greatly reduces required
bandwidth when updates are necessary....and with virii
running rampant as they are now manually doing this on
every station on a 128K ISDN is a NiGhTmArE!). My
question is : "Is there a program similar to SUS for the
deployment of service packs for the office xp suite?".
Any help would be greatly appreciated.