Doctor Ed
As a long time WordPerfect user, I have built many great business templates
that are automated using WP's "Build Prompts" tool. With my company pushing
for a change to Word, I am struggling to find this same functionality. Can
someone out there direct me? I want to build templates that automatically
prompt the user for basic information (client name, report date, etc.)
whenever a new document is created using the template.
Can Word do this cleanly and simply like WP does? If so, how?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
that are automated using WP's "Build Prompts" tool. With my company pushing
for a change to Word, I am struggling to find this same functionality. Can
someone out there direct me? I want to build templates that automatically
prompt the user for basic information (client name, report date, etc.)
whenever a new document is created using the template.
Can Word do this cleanly and simply like WP does? If so, how?
Thanks for any help you can provide.