automated text


Marty Grace

I am looking to only have to type a job number once in a report (which is
just a normal word document), and have it appear several times in the same
report but in several different locations. Is this possible? I was told i
could use mail merge but the only problem is that the job number is different
everytime i use the report. Thank you for your help

Herb Tyson [MVP]

You can insert the number once, bookmark it, and then use a reference to the
bookmark in each place where you want the number to appear.

I.e. 9033334

I select that, and choose Insert - Bookmark, and name the bookmark
MartyNumber. (The name is arbitrary -- I could as easily call it PrinceHarry
or number or fjdfjdfjf).

Later (or earlier), I can cause that number to appear by using a REF field.
Press Ctrl+F9, type REF MartyNumber (acutally, REF itself is not necessary,
it can be just the bookmark name itself) between the field braces {}, and
press F9 to update the field, and presto, it displays as 9033334.

In subsequent documents based on that one, I can plug in a new number where
9033334 is, select the whole document, and press F9, and all of the REF
fields automatically become the new number.

You reveal field codes by pressing Alt+F9. If I press Alt+F9, REF fields
display either as { REF MartyNumber } or { MartyNumber }, depending on
whether I chose to include REF (which is optional for REF fields, but which
can help let users know what's going on if they get confused).

I hope this helps! For further info, look up BOOKMARK and REF in the Help

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