Automatic approval rule



Is there a way to setup a rule that will allow the pm to have a
automatic rule to approve tasks completed on time, in other words if
the task goes to plan the pm the does not need to approve the task nor


Hi Ziwez,

There's two parts to this.
1) Automatic approval when actuals match the plan
2) Automatic publishing when updates are accepted

The first you can do from PWA. Go to Approvals/Task updates, click Actions,
select Manage Rules and create your rule for approving updates there.

The second is trickier. You have to implement a custom event handler on the
PWA server. The event handler will automatically publish a project when
updates are approved (I did this using the onstatusing event). There are
excellent examples for this around, but if you are not comfortable with doing development on your server, you may want to have this done by your
development resources or buy it as a service.

Hope that helps,
- Jussi

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