Automatic axis settings for bubble chart via VBA


Dirk Grunewald


I am searching for a possibility for an automatic setting
of the minimum axis values in a bubble chart via VBA.
Normally, the automatic axis setting could do the job,
but if the difference between the values on one axis are
greater than 20%, the automatic routine sets the min axis
value to 0.

Is there a possibility to create a VBA function, which is
able to the job for values which habe a difference of
more than 20%?

Thanks in advance!

Dirk Grunewald


Dirk said:
I am searching for a possibility for an automatic setting
of the minimum axis values in a bubble chart via VBA.

Tushar has one potential answer. It's not VBA - his add-in uses the
contents of a cell to set the min and max. Go to and
find the AutoChart Manager on the left side of the screen.

Dirk Grunewald

Hi Jon,

I can't use these axis-scaling routines, because I habve
to handle the axis settings for a bubble chart not not a
normal x-y-diagram.

This is due to the fact, that you can't use e.g. the min
value of your data point as the scaling parameter,
because there is the bubble around this data point.
If you want to show the whole bubble, then you have to
use a min value < min value of your datapoint.

Moreover, the the necessary min value depends of the
whole axis scaling, because there is a resizing function
for the bubbles.


Jon Peltier

Dirk -

This is when you have to do a little trial and error. You can get the
relative bubble sizes, you can get the multiple of the default size that
is used, and then you have to play a bit to find what the default size
is. Then step through the points, and find which point's bubble extends
highest, lowest, etc. More work, but still within the realm of what's

- Jon

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