Automatic Backup of Access Databases



We supply a VBA application to clients using a front-end and back-end Access
database. We package our front-end and back-end database with the MS Access
Runtime product, using the MS Office Developer utility. Clients are able to
install the front-end database on client machines and connect to the back-end
Access db on various types of servers. Clients open both databases using MS
Access Runtime.

One of our clients installs our front-end and back-end Access databases on
MS Windows Server. His client machines connect to the front-end Access
database using Remote Desktop. I have upgraded recently his Access Runtime to
MS Access 2003 Runtime. I believe this has caused the MS Access front-end
database to automatically backup, sometimes several times daily. These backup
databases are crowding his server, and have come close to crashing the

I need to know what is causing the automatic backup of the MS Access
front-end database - is this a property set by MS Windows Server or is it set
by MS Access? How do I turn off the automatic backup action?

Thank you.

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