Re: Automatic BCC?Thank you Diane - it will be my first venture into
Automator. Yes, I am using 2008 (and very cross with Microsoft for
abandoning VBA in Word and XL).
I need to send a BCC of all emails to another eaddress. Can this be done
automatically so I do not have to remember to set a BCC each time. The BCC
eaddress is always the same.
Use Automator action:
You didn't mention which version of Entourage you are using. I know this is
available for Entourage 2008, but Entourage 2004 might not have this action.
You can also do this with a script: Edit name and email address.
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set originalMessage to item 1 of (get current messages)
set theReply to reply to originalMessage
make new recipient at end of theReply with properties {recipient type:bcc
recipient, address:{display name:"John Doe", address:"(e-mail address removed)"}}
end tell
For a draft message:
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
if (class of front window) is draft window then
set originalMessage to front window
save originalMessage -- Save the draft message
make new recipient at end of originalMessage with properties
{recipient type:bcc recipient, address:{display name:"John Doe",
address:"(e-mail address removed)"}}
save front window
display dialog "This script requires that a draft window be open,
and adds a BCC recipient to it."
end if
end tell
Line endings might need to be repaired if viewing on the Mactopia interface.
If you view this message in the Entourage newsreader, you should be able to
copy correctly.