automatic both sides printing



Xp home Offiice 97. My printers does not support automatic both side printing since I got XP. Any macro available to do that for me Please. Otherwise I have to keep remembering to reverse printing pages every time


this does not seem to work for me, it stop somewhere telling me that only comments can be put after end sub and I am afraid to touch that long one, not experimented enough.

Jonathan West

mailman said:
this does not seem to work for me, it stop somewhere telling me that only
comments can be put after end sub and I am afraid to touch that long one,
not experimented enough.

It's not a lot of help to say "it stop somewhere". Could you tell me where,
and exactly what the error message was?


sorry but that is where it sto

Private Declare Function ClosePrinter Lib "winspool.drv"
(ByVal hPrinter As Long) As Lon

and the error is " Only cooment may appear after End Sub End function and End property
and to me it is not the case but may be it is way over my knowledge. Thank


the error is " Only comment may appear after End Sub End function and End property"

Look carefully, you have a command after the End Sub statement. Or you have an End
Sub statement in the middle of the macro. The only thing that can be after and End
Sub is a comment, which starts with a ' (apostrophe).

Peter Hewett

Hi mailman

The Declare statement *must* be before any Sub/Function/Property statements.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

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