automatic caption for photo Gallery



I would like to add a running serial number or referance as a caption to my
photo gallery which is in "montage" layout, and contains a lot of photos.

Is there a batch system to do it, or do I have to enter the caption for each
photo manually.

Is there a more comfortable and visual way to set the order of the photos in
the gallery, beside the "move up", "move down" buttons. (for example: mouse

thanks in advance

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

1- no
2- no

Check out JAlbum (its free) highly customizable and will produce galleries
that intergrate well into an FP created web. Then you could use IrFanview
(another freebie) to batch rename your doing this along with
JAlbum you may be able to create what you want.

| 1)
| I would like to add a running serial number or referance as a caption to
| photo gallery which is in "montage" layout, and contains a lot of photos.
| Is there a batch system to do it, or do I have to enter the caption for
| photo manually.
| 2)
| Is there a more comfortable and visual way to set the order of the photos
| the gallery, beside the "move up", "move down" buttons. (for example:
| dragginng"
| thanks in advance
| Arad

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