Automatic creation of rows with various permutations of few columnvalues list



Hi Folks,

I want to automatically create rows with various permutations of few columnvalues list. For example below is one of the row i have and want to createmultiple rows with various permutations of values allowed for columns Credit_Tier and Reliability_Tier keeping the other columns (Name and Dept) constant.

Name Dept Credit_Tier Reliability_Tier
NT Finance 1a 2a

Example if i have following lists of allowed values for Credit_Tier and Reliability_Tier

Credit_Tier Reliability_Tier
1a 2a
2a 3a

Then excel should automatically create following rows based on four permutation of Credit_Tier and Reliability_Tier allowed values and keeping other columns constant.

Name Dept Credit_Tier Reliability_Tier
NT Finance 1a 2a
NT Finance 1a 3a
NT Finance 2a 2a
NT Finance 2a 3a

If i modify/add values to the Credit_Tier and/or Reliability_Tier list thenthe rows above should automatically change based on new permutations.

Could someone please help in achieving this?

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