automatic data entry


Joe C

Sorry if I am in the wrong forum but I need direction on this one report.

I have a need to automaticallu enter data on regular basis. Every month an
employee earns sick and vacation time. I need that to be listed in the table
thus the report. I have too many employees to do that manually.

Any suggestions?



You have several options for this. If you really want to store tha data in a
table, use an update query to update the month for active employees.
Altrenatively, you can base your report on a querry which calculates the
leave entitlement. If your eport is based on a table, you can have the leave
entitlement calculated on the report.

Steve Schapel


I agree with Tom here. The sick and vacation time should not be stored
in a table. This is not the best use of a database. These are
calculated values, and should be calculated as required, whenever
required. If you need help with this, let us know some more details of
how this leave entitlement works in your organisation.

Joe C

I am not sure what you are saying here.

I have a table that records all of an employee's time off. I was looking to
have an entry in that table to add available time to each employee based on a
given time frame. For example we get 10 hours sick time every month, thus
every month I need to add 10 hours to each employee. In the end I need to
create a report that shows an employee's sick, vacation and accrued time and
available for a given time period.


Steve Schapel


I am saying that "a table that records all of an employee's time off"
would generally be regarded as an invalid database design.

Sick time is allocated at the rate of 10 hours per month. Therefore it
is a calculated value. Therefore the value is always easily obtainable
via a calculation based on existing known data. Therefore it is
redundant to store this value in a table. Storing it in a table would
generally add unnecessary complication to the database, increase the
probablity of data error, and increase inefficiency. All you need to
store in a table are the records of leave actually used/taken, and also
any extraordinary allocation of sick or vacation time. "A report that
shows an employee's sick, vacation and accrued time and available for a
given time period" is achievable, and in fact simpler, without "adding
10 hours" to each employee every month.

This is database thinking, in contrast to other types of thinking, such
as spreadsheet thinking for example.

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