Automatic document creation

  • Thread starter benno_from_brizvegas
  • Start date


Hi guys
not even sure if this is the right forum (let me know if it's not) but here goes

i want to set up a wizard type thing that will ask a series of questions and then create a word document based on the answers it gets

i'm using office 200

thanks guy


Jonathan West

benno_from_brizvegas said:
Hi guys,
not even sure if this is the right forum (let me know if it's not) but here goes.

i want to set up a wizard type thing that will ask a series of questions
and then create a word document based on the answers it gets.
i'm using office 2000

thanks guys

Hi Benno

Yes, this can be done. You're a bit unspecific about what you want to go
into this wizard, so I'll simply point you to an article that will get you

How to create a Userform

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