For the autocomplete tip to function, you need to
check "Show autocomplete tip for AutoText and date" in
Tools>AutoCorrect>AutoText menu dialog.
Depending on your setting, you may be notified of changes
to normal.dot and asked if you want to save when you close
Word after creating and AutoText entry. AutoText entries
are stored in templates (e.g., Normal.dot) and so you will
need to check yes.
paragraphs/sentences to word documents?
simple program that would allow this type of function.
For the autocomplete tip to function, you need to
check "Show autocomplete tip for AutoText and date" in
Tools>AutoCorrect>AutoText menu dialog.
Depending on your setting, you may be notified of changes
to normal.dot and asked if you want to save when you close
Word after creating and AutoText entry. AutoText entries
are stored in templates (e.g., Normal.dot) and so you will
need to check yes.
allow simply click to enter canned or standared-----Original Message-----
Is there any add on program for word/office that would
paragraphs/sentences to word documents?
however I could use more. It seems there should be aI do have some hot keys set up with macros for such entry
simple program that would allow this type of function.