automatic formating of note flags


Tad B

I would like One Note to automatically create a new line with the same note
flag as the previous line when I hit "Enter". I like the "To Do List"
stationary and the checkbox note flag. I don't like have to format each new
task(line item) with the appropriate not flag.

Anyone know if One Note has the ability to do this?


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Erik Sojka (MVP)

Flags are only applied to the current line, and are not considered
"formatting" in the word processor sense, where you can, for example,
turn on Bold, then everything typed after gets bold formatting until Bold
is turned off.

The quickest way to apply a flag to a list of items is to type the list
first, then select the list and apply the flag. If the desired flag is
one of the first 9 in the list, it's even quicker with the KB shortcut

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