Automatic Formatting in Calendars



I've been using automatic formatting to color code my appointments based on
content strings for quite some time and there seem to be two instances of my
rules. I've tried to determine why this happens but can't seem to find a
pattern to which rule set is activated when I open Outlook (2007). Any clues?


OK, thanks Diane. So I create rules or conditions by which to color my
appointment and turn them off or on. But I'm still confused as to why
they're switching between two distinct views without any intervention from
me? I have about 20 rules per view depending on which one is active.
Rob in Denver

Diane Poremsky said:
It's not a rule but a view - so the view in use has the autoformatting rules
you are using.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook Tips by email:
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Let's Really Fix Outlook 2010

Robola said:
I've been using automatic formatting to color code my appointments based
content strings for quite some time and there seem to be two instances of
rules. I've tried to determine why this happens but can't seem to find a
pattern to which rule set is activated when I open Outlook (2007). Any

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Without actually sitting in front of it so I can see it in action, its hard
to say. I know views are goofy if you have multiple calendars open and use
views created 'for this calendar only'.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook Tips by email:
mailto:[email protected]

EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
mailto:[email protected]

Let's Really Fix Outlook 2010

Robola said:
OK, thanks Diane. So I create rules or conditions by which to color my
appointment and turn them off or on. But I'm still confused as to why
they're switching between two distinct views without any intervention from
me? I have about 20 rules per view depending on which one is active.
Rob in Denver

Diane Poremsky said:
It's not a rule but a view - so the view in use has the autoformatting
you are using.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook Tips by email:
mailto:[email protected]

EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
mailto:[email protected]

Let's Really Fix Outlook 2010

Robola said:
I've been using automatic formatting to color code my appointments
content strings for quite some time and there seem to be two instances
rules. I've tried to determine why this happens but can't seem to find
pattern to which rule set is activated when I open Outlook (2007). Any



Your reference to calendars having views attached suggested I had separate
views for the two calendars I routinely have open. One is the default
calendar asssigned to my logon and shared with my organization. The other is
one I use to track daily activities. When Outlook starts it loads whichever
calendar was last open or active (if two were open). I tried several
combinations and found consistant results by noting to which caledar the view
containing my preferred settings was attached.

Thank you.
Rob in Denver

Diane Poremsky said:
Without actually sitting in front of it so I can see it in action, its hard
to say. I know views are goofy if you have multiple calendars open and use
views created 'for this calendar only'.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook Tips by email:
mailto:[email protected]

EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
mailto:[email protected]

Let's Really Fix Outlook 2010

Robola said:
OK, thanks Diane. So I create rules or conditions by which to color my
appointment and turn them off or on. But I'm still confused as to why
they're switching between two distinct views without any intervention from
me? I have about 20 rules per view depending on which one is active.
Rob in Denver

Diane Poremsky said:
It's not a rule but a view - so the view in use has the autoformatting
you are using.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook Tips by email:
mailto:[email protected]

EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
mailto:[email protected]

Let's Really Fix Outlook 2010

I've been using automatic formatting to color code my appointments
content strings for quite some time and there seem to be two instances
rules. I've tried to determine why this happens but can't seem to find
pattern to which rule set is activated when I open Outlook (2007). Any

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