Automatic formatting when using Bold and Underline




After writing a document, when I try to Bold and
underline a heading, the entire document becomes bold. I
have to then click undo. This destorys the rest of the
formatting like indent.

Reading through the newsgroup FAQ, I unchecked the
relevant AutoFormat boxes under Tools-->AutoCorrect

Even after this, the same thing happens. However, now
when I click undo, th edesired line remains Bold. For
Underling the line, I have to under go the same steps.

I would like to understand why this is happening and
ofcourse remedy the situation.

Please help

Regards and a merry Christmas to all.


Dear Greg:

Thank you. That worked just fine.

I appreciate the prompt response.

Tony Satchell

I have the same problem as W Hyam - Does anyone know the answer to this problem

----- W HYAM wrote: ----


After writing a document, when I try to Bold and
underline a heading, the entire document becomes bold. I
have to then click undo. This destorys the rest of the
formatting like indent

Reading through the newsgroup FAQ, I unchecked the
relevant AutoFormat boxes under Tools-->AutoCorrect

Even after this, the same thing happens. However, now
when I click undo, th edesired line remains Bold. For
Underling the line, I have to under go the same steps

I would like to understand why this is happening and
ofcourse remedy the situation

Please hel

Regards and a merry Christmas to all

Tony Satchell

It worked - THANKS GREG.

----- (e-mail address removed) wrote: ----

Dear Greg

Thank you. That worked just fine

I appreciate the prompt response

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