Automatic hiding/showing page breaks




I have 2 different word documents, each with multiple business letters
separated by page breaks. Currently I am deleting spacings within the
business letters to condense them onto one page each. When I do this in the
first document, the page breaks seem to be automatically hidden if the end of
the letter corresponds with the very end of the page. However, when I do this
in the second document, the page breaks remain even if the end of the letter
corresponds with the very end of the page. Thus, there are blank pages
between many of the letters. I would like to have the 2nd document do what
the 1st document is doing (leave the page breaks but hide them) in case I
edit the letters later. What is the difference between the 2 documents?


Lene Fredborg

I suggest you skip all the page breaks. Instead, apply "Page break before" to
the first paragraph in each letter (Format > Paragraph > Line and Page Breaks
Page break before). In this way, you prevent the current problem with empty
pages. The easiest solution would be to use a special style for the first
paragraph in each letter and define the style with "Page break before" turned

The difference between the two documents could be that document 1 actually
uses "Page break before" whereas document 2 includes manual page breaks. Note
that you can use Edit > Find to find manual page breaks - type ^m in the Find
what field.

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

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