I have created several from from a schema. In that schema each attribute is annotated with a comment explaining the purpose and expected/allowed content, like so:
<simpleType name="D_Location">
<annotation><documentation>location relatively to the beginning of the SP [cm]</documentation></annotation>
<restriction base="unsignedInt"/>
I would like that text to appear, when the user hovers over the input field. However, right now, the displayed text seems based on the input type (e.g.: "Only positive integers allowed or zero").
Is there *any* possibility to get InfoPath to automatically display the mentioned schema annotation when hovering over the field?
<simpleType name="D_Location">
<annotation><documentation>location relatively to the beginning of the SP [cm]</documentation></annotation>
<restriction base="unsignedInt"/>
I would like that text to appear, when the user hovers over the input field. However, right now, the displayed text seems based on the input type (e.g.: "Only positive integers allowed or zero").
Is there *any* possibility to get InfoPath to automatically display the mentioned schema annotation when hovering over the field?