Automatic Line Numbers in a Column?


Al Franz

Would like to put a line number in my Column A of a spreadsheet. And if
possible have it renumber itself should I sort the rows. Can this be done,
without any major macro programming?

Paul B

Al, not sure this is what you want but try =ROW()

Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 2002 & 2003


And drag down to copy.
Will give the actual row numbers of the sheet, and renumber itself after a

(Pete Cresswell)

Per Al Franz:
Would like to put a line number in my Column A of a spreadsheet.

Would Tools|Options|General|Settings|R1C1 Reference Style = True be close

(Pete Cresswell)

Per (Pete Cresswell):
Tools|Options|General|Settings|R1C1 Reference Style = True

Oops, sorry for the dump post...late at nite and all that...was thinking about
column numbers...

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