No, I don't use OUTLOOK! So I don't want to set a particular browser: I need
only WORD.
The problem is that, if I run the command from the document (File/Send by
email) it runs perfectly! WORD opens a little window where I've to insert
some parameter (the normal parameters of a normal mail: Address, Subject,
Priority, and so on...): it's simple and fast. Then WORD sends the mail, and
I receve it without problems. The document is not an attachement, but the
real mail content!
I try to explain what I need
ActiveDocument.HasRoutingSlip = True (I think this is
With ActiveDocument.RoutingSlip
.Subject = "Prova mail automatica"
.AddRecipient "my (e-mail address removed)"
.AddRecipient "(e-mail address removed)"
.Delivery = wdAllAtOnce
End With
Options.SendMailAttach = False (With FALSE I
make Active Document be part of the email instead of an attachement)
SEND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <-------------------- I need to send the
current document: I don't find the correct instruction
End Sub
To be honest, I think that I'm looking for something impossible, cause I
found many objects and instructions, but no one like the manual command...
I'm sad.........