Automatic multiple chart analysis


S. Daum

I have been getting many requests from clients that take this general form:

"I need to evaluate hundreds - even thousands - of charts. It is not
practical to define and then review this many charts. I'd like a system that
looks at my 100 charts and then tells me which are the top ten that need to
be investigated - today."

In thinking about this I realize that the criteria under which these charts
will be evaluated varies with each situation. Some of the decisions may not
even require charts - just calculations of some sort.

My question for the Excel charting club is this: Have you heard requests
like this and do you think there is market for a generalized solution to
this problem?


Jon Peltier

Steve -

I guess what you describe is a codified set of criteria to call some
condition to the analyst's attention. If it's stock market data, the
criteria might look at some amount of variability or volatility in the
price. The nursing station in the ICU might want something to indicate
which patients are nearing cardiac crisis so they can treat it before it
becomes more severe. You can distill some numerical algorithm that can
be applied to the data itself, without charting it. Excel doesn't need
the chart to analyze data, we need the chart to comprehend the analysis.

Many of my projects involve constructing custom charting systems that
present analytical data in readily comprehensible form. Often only
charts meeting certain criteria are even drawn, or if the charts meet
some conditions, they are displayed on a different web page, or there
may be some other screening system that I don't remember offhand.

- Jon

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