Automatic Response When Appt or Meeting shows you Out of Office o.



I think the Out of Office assistant can be done away with if you could make
it possible to check the Calendar to see if the person has an appointment or
meeting that is marked as Out of Office and then use that to activate an
automated response. This could be integrated into the Appt or Meeting when
you select show time as Out of Office it will prompt to ask if you want to
create an auto-reply or not, or in the Rule Wizard there could be an option
set up there... There are a lot of times that people and myself are out of
the office, but forget to use the Out of Office Assistant... I think with
integrating this as part of the Calendar it will save everyone time. Now
this option of course would only work if your Calendar is on a online
Exchange server, but in most cases a person using the Out of Office Assistant
is on an Exchange Server.


I wouldn't remove the Out of Office assistant entirely however I do agree
that it should be integrated with the Calendar. For instance, I am usually
out of the office 2 days a week (Wed & Fri), if the Out of Office Assistant
could be integrated with the Calendar I would simply have to Show time as Out
of Office and the Out of Office assistant would automatically reply to
messages I receive during those days. I don't often forget to turn the Out
of Office assistant off as often as I do forget to turn it off. Integrating
it into the Calendar would avoid this.

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